Pleasantville, New York - USA

2019 ITTF Parkinson's World Table Tennis Championships
Start date
11 October to 13 October 2019
Project description
  • First ever celebrated Parkinson’s World Table Tennis Championships in Pleasantville, NY (USA).
  • World tournament for players with Parkinson's Disease, where family members and the public in general are proactively invited to assist.
  • To raise awareness of for the positive health benefits of playing table tennis for people with Parkinson’s.
  • To provide networking opportunities for the persons diagnosed with it and their families to exchange ideas and experiences.
Target group
Players with Parkinson's Disease no matter their level of play / Family members / Public in general
Foundation funding
EUR 22,000

Ping Pong Parkinson

Contribution to the Global Goals

Target 3.4 By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being.


  • 62 different persons from 12 different countries world-wide participated in the ITTF Parkinson's World Table Tennis Championships.
  • The pilot project was successful and will be repeated in the future.
  • The awareness for Parkinson's disease and for the benefits of table tennis for those who have this disease is raised.
  • Find the results book here