International and European Sport Organisations activate citizens
International and European Sport Organisations (ISOs) are at the core of the sport delivery systems in Europe and worldwide, as well as the governing bodies of their respective sport disciplines. Yet, their potential to influence Sport for All and physical activity participation at the grassroots is mostly untouched.
INTERACT is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and aims to support and position ISOs as key leaders of the Sport for All and physical activity movement – developing innovative ways to engage stakeholders and citizens at all geographical levels.
Overall aim:
- To gather ISOs and develop a new delivery system that places participation in Sport for All and physical activity at its core
- To reflect on how to adapt sports, their rules, settings, delivery, etc. to the needs of target groups and grassroots sport participation
- To define how ISOs can better contribute to the objectives of key European and International policy papers
- To support ISOs develop their own Sport for All policies, strategies, structures and practical activities
- Ultimately, to activate citizens
ITTF Foundation's task:
- Leading partner organisation of the intellectual output 5
- To create a Sport for All and physical activity Toolkit
- To provide a practical source for ISOs to start or deepen their work towards activating citizens
Project Partners
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.