
Levallois Sporting Table Tennis Club

According to WHO non-communicable diseases kill 41 million people each year, equivalent to 71% of all deaths globally. Alzheimer’s disease is classified as a non-communicable disease for which there is no cure. Affecting mainly persons over 65, the disease can appear as early as ones 30's and 40's. For about 5% to 6% of people with Alzheimer's disease develop symptoms before age 65. It is degenerative meaning it starts affecting the brain slowly and gradually worsens over time.

With an ever-growing aging population in Europe, offering regular adapted physical activity and social interaction to these populations is becoming invaluable. WHO research speculates that 1.6 million deaths annually can be attributed to insufficient physical activity and that adults over 65 with poor mobility should perform physical activity 3 or more days per week to enhance balance and prevent falls.

Project start date: 01-06-2019
Status: DBF support completed in 2022
Country - map: Levallois, France

Studies have shown that table tennis has a positive impact on brain stimulation for persons with Alzheimer’s disease and that regular participation could off-set and delay the effects of the disease.

In using these studies, the Levallois club developed adapted table tennis sessions targeted towards persons with the disease. Table tennis offers a drug free, fun and social treatment that can help slow the progression of the disease and improve the quality of life.

Contribution to the Global Goals

Target 3.4: By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being.

  • Individual Change
  • Community Change
  • Institutional Change
  • Behavior or attitude
    • 30 persons with Alzheimer’s disease participate in regular accessible and adapted physical activity
    • 600 persons in the club have changed their perception and see the disease differently because of the club integrating persons with Alzheimer’s disease
  • Knowledge and skills
    • 5 other clubs in France run a Ping4Alzheimers programme and offer regular specific sessions
  • Circumstance, quality of life or well-being
    • 40 regular participants and/or their caregivers notice an improve in their quality of life since integrating the programme
  • 2 weekly sessions
  • Training development coach and clubs
  • Regular discussions with caregiver/caretakers
  • Partnership with France Alzheimer’s and the FFTT around the project
  • New association Ping4Alzheimers created

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  • Dream Building Fund
  • Project leader: Renato Walkowiak
  • Fund recipient: Levallois Sporting Table Tennis Club

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