Table Tennis for Development Workshop for All Dream Building Fund Projects

ITTF Foundation Programmes Team conducted an online workshop for our Dream Building Fund projects worldwide to increase participants’ knowledge on Sport for Development (S4D), United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), and Table Tennis for Development (TT4D).

Following the success of the international workshop on using TT4D by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German Development Cooperation/GIZ on behalf of Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung/BMZ) and ITTF Foundation in August and September, our Programmes team continues supporting all Dream Building Fund (DBF) projects by providing TT4D workshop. Numerous initiatives struggle to integrate table tennis activities with their developmental goal; as a result, they divide their table tennis sessions from other sessions, such as those on climate action.

"Based on our reviews and update meetings with all projects individually, we realised there is a knowledge gap on S4D, UN SDGs and TT4D across our projects and on how to successfully implement TT4D in their local reality.” - Julia Tappendorf, ITTF Foundation Programmes Coordinator.

The first workshop aims to set a common knowledge basis on UN SDGs and S4D and to strengthen the participants’ capacity to utilise TT4D in their projects. By applying TT4D approach better, the DBF projects can improve the effectiveness and quality of their work, as well as realise its success and sustainability.

Twenty-seven people (nine women and 18 men) participated in the TT4D online workshop. Participants are coaches, facilitators, and project leaders from 12 DBF projects across five continents. Additionally, the participants used the workshop as a chance to network and engage with other DBF changemakers.

The DBF initiative has been running for three years, with a total of 17 active projects from 2019-2021. They target various UN SDGs ranging from Good Health and Well-being to Quality Education to Peace and Justice. Each project implements unique approaches that suit its local context.

"During the pandemic, I sometimes feel alone and isolated but at the same time inspired to contribute more to make a difference in our community and expand my network and connections with others. I am glad to join the webinar today and be surrounded by like-minded people." - Mark Smith, Ping Pong Alkmaar, the Netherlands.

“The session is helpful for us. We will be happy to join the next session to learn more about TT4D work in the community.” - Farhan Khan, Pro-Sport Development India.

A follow-up online workshop with case studies and practical input is planned for January 2023. Stay updated on our DBF projects by subscribing to our newsletter.

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